Ask Butter (Version I)
This week Chuck from Fayetteville, Arkansas wrote:
Hey Butter, what do you think of Superman as a super hero? - Chuck
(Butter Writes)
Well Chuck,
I'm very glad you asked that, it is a great question. While I respect him as a legend in the super hero game and will go see the movie, I'm not a big fan. Why make a super hero that is all powerful. Where's the fun in that? There is no bad guy that can really challenge him (I know in one of the old movies he fought 3 people from him homeworld and that was interesting, but you can't keep replaying that).
Superman can fly, shoot lasers out of his eyes, see through walls, can't be hurt, and is infinately strong. Why don't I make myself a super hero in a world of ants and when one of them commits a crime I just go step on it.
Then, they go on to attempt to create a limitation with Kryptonite. Big friggin deal. As humans we can be harmed by so many things (posions or whatever). There is one thing in all of life that can harm him and it's a rare rock and on top of that it doesn't kill him right away but hurts him over a seemingly long period of time. Boooo!
I want a super hero that has cool powers, but is still challenged. Isn't it more interesting to watch the US soccer team or Chicago Bears try to fumble and bumble their way to a victory than watch Team USA in the Jordan era (as cool as they were to behold) beat international teams 88-21.
I respect what Superman started as. Did you know at it's inception he couldn't fly and wasn't infinately strong. He used to jump from building top to building top much like the Tick.
I will, however, give credit where credit is due. Clark Kent is awesome. The alter-ego is truly a brilliant gem in a patch of dirt. He has no super hero arrogance and sees fit to fumble about his life spilling coffee on everything and rocking out with his nerdy self. I'd love to create a show with just Clark Kent and no superman. It would be superb.
Good point Kyky
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