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There is a storm on the planet Jupiter that is twice as large as the Earth about 300 years old and doesn’t stop, or at least it hasn't shown any signs of stopping. Just blew your mind, didn't I. Did you know that a blue whale has heart the size of a VW beetle? Blew your mind again. I was just thinking about amazing things today, mostly relating to size. The earth is 11 times smaller than Jupiter. Imagine humanity on a planet that big. We might still be exploring like Magellan. Of course, if we did live on a planet with that much mass we would probably be about 3 feet tall and have thighs like tree trunks just in order to walk around. I take that back, human's would have no chance with that much gravity. If intelligent live existed on a planet that large than it would be so different from human that it would need a different name. Maybe something like Dangpods, because they would definitely be pod people of some sort. Go Phelps!