Tensions Hot... Check
Tensions are intensifying in the Middle East as Israel and the terror network Hezbollah continue to trade blows. After Israel warplanes and ships attacked targets in Beirut which included the airport, and major roadways which run from Beirut towards Damascus (Syrian capitol). Israel has also focused their targets on known Hezbollah territories. Yesterday Israeli warplanes made an attempt to kill Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah who has come out urging Arabs and Muslims worldwide to support his guerillas. Earlier on Sunday Hezbollah launched a series of rocket attacks on northern Israel most notably on the city of Haifa. Israeli forces responded by launching another series of attacks in Lebanon.
As the tensions grow there are suspicions and reports about the involvement of Iran and Syria, countries that are known to have lent support to Hezbollah in the past. It is quite certain that the arms in which Hezbollah is using against Israel were provided by or purchased from Iran or Syria. Many of the fears from the west are the involvement of Syria and Iran. Syria has come out and been very vocal about their desire to be involved in any talks in the region. This is a growing problem that could become serious immediately if cooler heads don’t prevail. Look for more updates on this in the coming days.
On a lighter note, I am just wondering what Kim Jong Il thinks about all of this. He must despise Israel and Hezbollah as they have taken the world spotlight (that was momentarily on him) off of him. He launched a few test missiles got the worlds attention, and had an immediate upper hand when it came to apparent respect and the fear of some. He accomplished what he wanted. But a week later, he is a distant memory. For someone who has to compete with Hezbollah for airtime that is tough to swallow.
It seems that the media and the political Left are having a tough time figuring out who to blame for all the fighting Israel is involved in right now. Oh wait... it seems that the vote is unanimous and Israel is absolutely at fault. Here's a quick test that everyone can take at home to see if the leftist media is correct in blaming Israel for any and all violence in the Middle East.
Try to imagine what would happen to Israel if they disarmed. Not just stopped fighting, but threw up the white flag completely and burned all their weapons in plan view of all their anti-semitic neighbors. What would become of Israel? Think about it.
Now imagine that Hezbollah and Hamas and the Palestinians as a whole just plain stopped all violence toward Israel. Absolute cease-fire from them. What would happen to them?
If Israel eliminated its self-defense capabilities then Israel would cease to exist within two days. If the Palestinians abolished all of its' weaponry and terrorist tactics then Israel and the rest of the international community would undoubtedly establish a Palestinian state immediately. Does this exercise help to clarify the situation that Israel faces? Yes, yes it does.
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