Breakfast Gravy

Breakfast Gravy is community blog, we have some wild opinions and they need to be let loose. The juice is loose.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Top Ten Things That I Love in Pop Culture...

So fellas and ladies, I started thinking of things that I love about our ridiculous culture. I began to compile a list of items that quietly change our lives so here it goes:

10) Laser Disc Players: What would the early to mid-90s have been w/out Laser discs? They were the short lived equivalent to LP records. I remember watching Ghost on Laser Disc and thinking that Whoopi Goldberg should grow out her eyebrows.
9) The "Rudy" Clap: A sports movie moment that changed the cheesy inspirational sports movie genre forever. I still clap for him on 24.
8) The Double Guitar: Looks great with lean back, arppeggios, and Jethro Tull's Moustache. I love guitar/mandolin combos as well.
7) Teddy Ruxpin: It was cool when I was 6 and scary as hell now. Talking dolls were forever changed. Hey Tim, let's start a band called Teddy Ruxpin.
6) TI-84 through 97 Calculators: Didn't Math teachers know that not even one of us learned how to accurately graph geometric equations, but that we all became experts at Nibbles?
5) Raising the Roof: It had a very very short run in MTV culture, but out of touch white 50 somethings still use it today.
4) John Cougar Mellencamp: I don't know one individual who owns a John Cougar album, yet every radio station seems to think thier demographic still loves "Ain't that America". God bless the USA.
3) Silk Shirts: Between 91-94, Silk Shirts, parachute pants and sockless penny loafers could do no wrong. Despite the fact that the general populace realized that silk tops are essentially blouses, they can still be found among sound technicians, African nationals, and any actor who plays Theo Huxtable.
2) Rock Stars wearing only underwear: Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, the lead singer from Live, the drummer from No Doubt...whitey tightey have never been so exciting or puzzling.
1) Claymation: Think about it, some guys were in a musty garage eating Doritos and decided to created a clamation series around a group of raisins from California. Claymation is a dying art form that needs to be revived whenever possible.

Feel free to chime in.


Blogger Black Egg said...

Great article Lars,

I'll be sending a Ted R. via mail for little Quin to grow up with. This should insure his future success as a romance novelist.

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that movie "Chicken Run" a claymation film? Absolutely breathtaking...

8:45 PM  
Blogger Lars Legend said...

Yes, S, it was claymation, as are the Bible Adventure stories publsihed between 1979-1984. Who could forget the clay wall of Jericho falling down.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Black Egg said...

You could add the HEMI, the furbie, Magic the Gathering, Pong, SKA, and bare-bones computer sets.

10:22 AM  

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