Breakfast Gravy

Breakfast Gravy is community blog, we have some wild opinions and they need to be let loose. The juice is loose.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wants and Needs

I went to the dentist today. I still don't have any cavities, but some are forming. He told me that if I stay off sweets then my enamal will build calcium deposit in these area. This got me to thinking about what we want and what we need as a society from a technological perspective. I know, a bit odd, but that's me. Here is one thought. What if pop was never invented. Pop contributes no value to our health as American's we can get plenty of sugar from other foods and the liquid in pop is not a substitute from drinking water. So, if we didn't invent pop would it be a better world? Yes, it would be better. For one thing, we wouldn't have known what we were missing and we would have better dental and physical health. What technologies can this philosophy be applied to? Automotives, cell phones, the internet, pesticides, air conditioning, or maybe weaponatry. Obviously, now that all these things are here they are not going away I'm just asking if it would be a better world without these things? Consider automotives...they are something that we all rely on. If we had extensive public transportation and shared the resources needed to run a train or bus rather then everyone driving their own car that might be better. There is a lot to think about with this philosophy. We only thought if we could, but did we ever thing if we should? I mean if we could just take hold of some dinasour DNA and then fill the gaps with frog DNA we probably could make some dinosaurs. But should we?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is weaponatry?

11:21 AM  
Blogger DecentDestroyer said...

Fake sugar is worse than real sugar, although I do love Diet Coke. Mmmm.

11:51 PM  

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