Breakfast Gravy

Breakfast Gravy is community blog, we have some wild opinions and they need to be let loose. The juice is loose.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pigs in a Blanket (or in the neighbors yard)

First crack here at breakfast gravy...topic today - the story of a family in my hometown whose neighbors have four 400+ pound pigs in their yard. The story has made national news. In a nutshell, there is a dilemma that exists because the Marmalades (neighbors of pig owners) have seen that the pigs are dirty, they smell, leave a mess on the Unicorns (owners of the 4 pigs) property and therefore they want the pigs to be removed from the Unicorns house. The Unicorns claim that they have every right to own pigs that they say are pets. Note - These are fictitious names, but not a fictitious story.

So I got in a heated debate with my parental units last evening over whose right, whose to blame in the matter. Without showing who took what side, here is the issue that I would like to hear from you all on. The two sides are in court currently over the matter. Do the Marmalades have the right to say that the Unicorns must get rid of their pigs for the above reasons, or do they have to deal with it even though they can smell the pigs, see their feces through the trees and sometimes they get loose and run through the Marmalades land? The issue at hand is do we have the right to how a neighbor lives because it may hurt our property value or because we flat out don't like what they are doing?

Other scenarios that were brought up during the course of the heated discussion that were used as support for one side or the other. Scenario A - Do I have the right to tell my neighbor to fix his lawn if there are a bunch of yellow dead spots from his dog that urinated all over the property because I'm trying to sell my house and his dissheveled yard will negatively affect if/how much I sell my house for? Scenario B - Do I have the right to tell my neighbor who has a King Cobra as a pet that he can't have it, because of the danger that it poses because if it gets out it could kill someone?

Just some classic property rights issues,
Von Kasey


Blogger DecentDestroyer said...

I would have to side with the Marmalades on this one. Of course, the Unicorn's have a right to own pigs or whatever animal they want as long as it doesn't break any laws or what not. It sounds like to me that the Unicorns are being very stubborn and almost want to make life worse for the Marmalades after the Marmalades voiced their concern over the pigs.

As for telling your neighbor to clean up their yard, legally I doubt you can do anything to force him to clean up his yard. But first amendment rights give you the right to ask him.

King Cobra's don't kill people, unless you put them on a plane with Samuel L Jackson.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Black Egg said...

I totally side with the Unicorns on this issue. First off, they are the Unicorns. Unicorns are sacred beings, whatever they do must be the right thing. They are blessed creatures. If the Marmalades are upset about the value of there home you have to ask "Are they going to be moving?" If they are going to be moving, then the Marmalades jelly's should be kind enough to put the pigs away for the time being. Otherwise, screw it. It would make my day to come home from work and see that the neighbors have a bunch of fat pigs playing in there yard. Life it to short be so concerned about land value and other concerns. My Grandma-in-law has a creature living in her yard called a Squibbit. It is half rabbit and half squirrel. These animal need a place to live and more power to them if they found a home in Lake Forest. The Marmalades should smell some marmalade jelly on there upper lip to cover up the smell that bugs them so much and then learn how to laugh at the fact that there neighbors have pigs in the yard. LOL J/K (sorry for the poor grammar/spelling)

10:39 AM  
Blogger Mythical Beast said...

What ever happened to compromise? Must everything be settled in court these days? If they want me to find a solution, then I'll find three solutions:

I) Fair Solution -
The pig owners are ordered to lose the pigs or move. If they chose to move, then the neighbors have to either help out physically for 10 man hours or give the owners $500

II) More Fair Solution -
One member of each respective house face off in a game of Madden 07. To the victor go the spoils. Of course I think two comparable teams should play. I think Bears vs. Bucs would be a good match. I mean, you can't have a team with all guys with 92 speed and 94 strength playing against a team with 73 speed and 81 strength.

III) Solution using MOD -
MOD kills all 4 pigs, each a different way. One is suffocated. One stabbed from behind. One is shot by a flaming arrow and the last is hypnotized and told to swallow his tongue. MOD then blows up both of their houses and calmly walks away from the wreckage.

10:52 PM  
Blogger DecentDestroyer said...

I'm a big fan of solution III.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Lars Legend said...

Do you have syrup to accompany the pig in a blanket, b/c otherwise I'd chose letter 2.

7:51 PM  

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