Breakfast Gravy

Breakfast Gravy is community blog, we have some wild opinions and they need to be let loose. The juice is loose.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Is the future around the corner?

New technologies are introduced to the world everyday. With that being said there are a couple of big achievements coming up that will make a huge impact on our world. The one I'm thinking of is the hydrogen engine.

"At first glance, hydrogen fuel cells might seem like the perfect alternative to fossil fuels. They can generate electricity using only hydrogen and oxygen and are pollution free. An automobile running on hydrogen fuel cells would not only be more efficient than one powered by an internal combustion engine, its only emission would be water.Unfortunately, while hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, most of it is bound up in molecules such as water. That means pure unbound hydrogen must be produced with the help of other energy sources -- which in many cases involve fossil fuels. If that’s the case, then many of the environmental benefits of hydrogen as a fuel are negated. Another problem with hydrogen is that it cannot be compressed easily or safely, and requires large tanks to store. Also, for reasons that are not fully understood, hydrogen atoms have a tendency to bleed through the materials encasing them, thus weakening their containers."

There goes that idea. It isn't really worth burn up more oil in order to create some hydrogen. There is some hope in the this though. We are one step closer to being able to use the most abundant energy resource in the universe.

The most efficient energy resource would be anti-matter, only the problems carried along with using anti-matter are pretty much endless. Anti-matter is what the Enterprise runs on.

In other news, some guy in Denmark created the 1st piece of floating furniture. It is bed that is suspended in mid-air using magnet technology. This is the stuff that Kirk Vonnegut dreamed of...literally. With a price tag of $1.54 million clams, you too can feel like your floating in mid-air.


Blogger hawkwardens said...

Actually the HoverBoard has been sold at ToysRus since the eighties. Way before any HoverBed was in the works. I almost got one for my birthday once. I got a PogoBall instead and broke both my ankles.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Black Egg said...

I still have 2 Pogoballs, a skip-it, a set of shrinky dinks, a rock tumbler and a set for coloring eggs in my parents garage.

1:11 PM  

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