Breakfast Gravy

Breakfast Gravy is community blog, we have some wild opinions and they need to be let loose. The juice is loose.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

my dog ate my defusing homework

Movie Critic Roger Ebert's website has a section in which readers submit rules and laws of movie cliches called Eberts Little Movie Glossary.

I submitted the following.

The Countdown Speed Rule

The likelihood of a digital clock counting down to an imminent demise in actual real time is directly proportional to the cost of the special effects resulting from the blast/explosion/detonation.

My Dog Ate My Defusing Homework Law

No instructions will exist with which a hero might accurately decide which color wire to snip to avert an impending explosion.

My Dog Ate My Defusing Homework Law (1.2)

Any person in contact with the hero who knows of the proper color wire to snip will loose contact with hero just before saying the color.

Disaster Averted Theory

No hero will ever halt a timed explosion with more then 5 seconds remaining on a digital countdown clock.


Blogger Lars Legend said...

I've got a law:

The Auditory Priority Clause:

When something miraculous happens in a sporting event, it's imperative that a crowd of thousands of people be utterly silent, allowing for a main character to clap once. At this point, others are free to join in the clapping at an accelerated pace.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Black Egg said...

Rambo Rule

If the movie is containing international competition or battle or any sort then the U.S. always wins and must appear to be the underdog. Rambo, Rookie 4, Mighty Ducks 2, Miracle, Saving Private Ryan, Platoon. What a load of crap!

1:07 PM  

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